Microsoft India has increased the storage capacity of its Windows Live SkyDrive application from 5 GB to 25 GB. The service was launched in beta in February 2008 and is provided as an add-on service to Windows Live consumers with a Hotmail id.
According to the company, SkyDrive allows users to store, share and email any kind of file. The application also allows users to access their stored files from anywhere. “It is like a hard drive in the sky and hence we had named it SkyDrive,” Guneet Singh, lead, integrated marketing and communications, consumer and online, Microsoft India, told AlooTechie.
While talking about the need to increase the storage capacity of SkyDrive by five times, Guneet Singh said, “There is a limit of available storage space in a hard drive of a PC or laptop. And with the sizes of file formats going up day by day, we at Microsoft wanted to provide unlimited online space to consumers for storing their files that can be accessed and emailed from anywhere.”
According to Guneet Singh, the USP of the application lies in its user-friendly nature and that is what keeps SkyDrive ahead in competition from properties like “One can easily drag and drop a file from the computer to the homepage and doesn't need to browse through files to upload the content. Besides, SkyDrive also hosts a 'private folder' where a user can store the files which he or she doesn't want to share. People in the Windows Live network can also comment on each other’s stored photographs,” said Singh.
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