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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blogger blog title tweak for better SEO

· is most widely used free blogging platform on the internet.Easy to use interface,ability to publish post at one click does make it a highly recommended platform for newbie bloggers.

Having said that,one must also say that Blogger blogs are not so optimized for Search Engines.Take for instance the title structure of the individual posts which is “Blog title followed by Post title” by default in blogger.This may not be the one you want particularly if you are concentrating on SEO for your blog.

Let’s see one way to change this Blogger default title structure for individual posts to just “post title” (thus eliminating the undesired blog title at the beginning of the title structure].

1..Go to Dashboard>>Select your Blog>>go to Layout Section>>Click Edit HTML tab

2.In the template HTML code,look for(use CTR+F to find) the following little HTML code:

<title><data:blog.pagetitle/></title> [pointed by the red arrow in the image].

3.Replace the above code with the following code:

<b:if cond= ‘data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;’>

4.Hit the Save Template button and load any of your blog posts in the browser and observe the change in the title structure,the new structure will only show Post title alone.

You may also want to refer to next post covering how to swap your blogger title with post title instead of completely removing the blog title from title structure.

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