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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How To Reset Wordpress Admin Password Via phpMyAdmin and MySql


This happens many times when people forget both there wordpress login and password and since they can only retrieve the password by mail, when they enter both login/password correct, they keeps on getting the error: Enter correct login and email.

Now to reset wordpress Admin password or login or email, there are 2 ways. Either do it with using PhpMyAdmin or through MySql. If you want to reset wordpress password using PhpMyAdmin, check this page. I myself prefer this over MySql but somehow whenever I uses it, it says error and operations never gets performed. So I had to look at the other way of using MySql.

Here is what you have to do to Change Wordpress Admin password -

1. If you have shell access, go to mysql prompt and than go to wordpress database or if you have cPanel than you can browse to the database using PhpMyAdmin again. Typically your database name will be _wrdp1

2. Now select the table of users which has all user info. By default it will be "wp_users". Actually you even don't have to do that. But first choose a password in your mind, and go to this link, enter the password and it will create a MD5 hash key(in 3rd row).

3. Now just fire this sql query -

UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass="c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b"

Please note the MD5 hash key will be different for you.

That's it. :-)

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